Saturday, July 27, 2013

Random Waterfall Outing

I kinda like how random my cute course mates are with their spontaneous plans.We always come out with all sort of weird outing ideas especially during our business finance class. A class that we are suppose to give 101% of concentration but well... haha. Gotta say, business finance is one scary subject. The tension feelings that it gives us. Horrifying. We know but we dont know.

Our previous crazy discussion was Travelling around Semenanjung.

(ya, we left out Perlis lol)

The only few reactions I gave was laugh and O O

Ambiga with her waterfall. haha. Yesterday, she asked whether any of us wanna go. I thought no one would turn up. Ended up, 7 of us went. Awesomeee! I wasnt quite excited at first, Im worried that i will slow them down but knowing that a group of them going, oh yeahhh Im energized!

Although we didnt make it to her Sungai Pisang,  we ended up with a waterfall in Cheras. Not bad also. Proposed by KJ since he wanted to bring us long ago. Next time round, we should be having a hot spring date together in Hulu Langat!

We gathered 7ish waiting for Ambiga. I will remember to call her next time to spot check her. My handphone has no credit if not i will be busy calling the whole world. Everyone was kinda er..sienz since they can have longer beauty sleep if we know ambiga will reach late.

I was tired too but not nice to make her feel horrible.

KJ guided us the way to the venue :) My first impression of that place, the place up to the waterfall came out of nowhere. We were driving passed some housing areas and there it is. lol

Luckily KJ warned me like how is it gonna be. Bring it onnnnnnn *cough* We took quite awhile to reach up. It wasnt too bad since we stopped once a while. Saw lots of aunties and uncles on the way.. Crapping and giggling along our way. Some of the paths are kinda steep. If the elderly can climb, so can we :D

Kj with his speed
kim leong with his stong legs despite of injuries
yewhor with his toilet
choyyeing with her coconut
yenping with her banana
ambiga with her slippers
ah men with his noise

After I dont know how long, we finally reached the waterfall!!!


Didnt really wana get soaked in the water. Dont know who started to splash water on me.. time to get serious with water splashing session. And of course, you must always drag those who are dry :) The waterfall was kinda small but since we are the only ones that are there so no big deal. We looked like we own that place. Conquering every part of it. The last time I been to a waterfall....back in kindergarten or primary school??? Since my mum doesnt like the whole idea of me going near to a waterfall.

 Greeneries Everywhere

Sadly since we started hiking late and hanged at the waterfall for quite awhile, KJ was late for his appointment, we then rushed down. Hungry Hungry Hungryyyy.. dont know where to makan, so we just randomly stopped by for Chilli Pan Mee. 

I think Im overly hungry, Chilli Pan Mee was like yummmmieeee :p

Photographer Men capturing random peeps next table 

Tired but happyyyyyyyy since I hiked and played.

Prefer this then Broga yoz

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