Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Kuala Selangor - Sekinchan

Trying to blog as many as possible before my hectic period :D

Overall the trip wasn't too bad although most of them are aunties uncles. Many that lived for many years in the same garden yet don't know each other actually exists. I personally saw some of the uncles and aunties but don't really know them.

The convoversation of the day with my mum
Me: Who's that??
Mum: Nehhh, the uncle that always walk with a dog.
Me: That one??
Mum: He is the one that cycles everydayyyy in our area.
Me: Then Then Who's on the one sitting there?
Mum: The grandpa that always with his grandchildren
Me: Oh Oh Oh Oh I know.

I actually know when my mum described but when I see them around, I dont usually get to see them properly in person so I couldnt recognise them. This is bad but after this trip, I know some of them better. This was actually the first time they organised a trip in my neighborhood. The response was good! Bus Seats filled up in 2 hours.

Anyhow we started off our day with breakfast in Klang. We had a BAO feast!

Yet-to-steam Curry Bao

All sorts of Bao in the making

Man Tao!

I tried curry, char siew, vege, mui choy, black pepper and peanut bao! If only my stomach was bigger, I can try a few more. Ps : I didnt eat the whole Bao 

Next stop we went Bukit Melawati! What't there to see? MONKEYS!

The first monkey that welcomed us.

Uncle Yong that organised the trip :)

Mum decided to take this rather than walk up. Weeee

Getting ready to go!

View during the ride Part 1 

 View during the ride Part 2

nice right??


bunch of them

and of course there are moreeeeeeee

Not to worry, these monkeys werent as scary as those typical ones. They don't really snatch handbags but they snatch food from your hand.

see see! Baby Monkey in different colour! 

Have a video of baby monkey playing around. so damn cuteee!

Random trees that got my attention

The sun on that day no joke! sweat like crap. We then head to Kuala Selangor to buy seafood and head to Sekinchan for our 8-course meal. Bought fishballs and yong tau fu too! Sekinchan Rice Mill was our last destination. 


Beautiful paddy field

Let's end with this picture <3

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