Friday, August 9, 2013

Flying Season Again

Last 2 days, I was chatting with CL. Knowing that she doesnt really wanna go UK to further study. We cant really blame her for not knowing how many people would love to fly there if they were given the chance to. Her parents didnt quite inform her about her study plans till months ago.So yeah, she was quite lost and unprepared. I dont exactly able to feel how is it like to leave somewhere you been staying since birth and leave people that you bonded throughout the years.

Her words and unwillingness to fly this September dragged me along. Our convo gotten from sad to sadder. Flying off isnt such a cool fun thing after all. You need courage to do that.

Chien flying to London Mid Sept too
JN's flying to UK for her law degree if her results are good enough ( but the thing's her results always good, looks like she will be flying too)
Trina, flying back real soon to Canada and I suppose to hang out with her more often
Sabrina, flying back to Nebraska this Aug after her Raya celebration. My cute friend that's lazy to update her beloved friends about her life. helloooooooo, you gotta update us man! we wanna know what are you doingg.
Crystal, next Feb? 

Now that I gotten used to it to see peeps flying here and there. It hurts me less? Er, I don't know. No time to emo too long, not like they won't come back :):)


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