Thursday, August 1, 2013

Stopping Me

I wonder the hassles kaka went through last time. Going against her parents, fighting alone for what she thinks was right that time.

Thankfully, my mum is always very supportive over the things I do no matter what it is. She loves seeing me happy and enjoyed over the things I did. I appreciate the freedom my mum gave me and hopefully I didnt abuse it. On the other side, my dad doesnt really say much. But, I know he disliked the whole idea of it when I was chasing stars.

Getting the support from my dad and mum to do the things I like is precious. Knowing that my mum gives me the permission to run free gives me the sense of responsibility not to do anything stupid or things that will disappoint them. I am always very proud to tell the others that my parents are on my side.

Nowadays, I travel around alot. It all started from some random sem break trips to Taiwan to never ending list. 

My brain is constantly...
' Where's next?' 'When's sem break?' 'What should I do to make my sem break pack?'

Even sometimes, I myself cant believe how the heck I always able to keep myself so damn busy. Planning this and that...Anyhow I love planning and researching about a place.

There's always a thing that tries to stop us down or hold us back somewhere somehow. My brother came up to me that day. Calling me not to travel so often since I have yet to enter the work force. Spending too excessively is not the right way to be. 

His words hit me deeply as if someone was hammering my heart. He doesn't realize the pleasant I gain from trips is priceless. Not that I only know how to play, I just like the whole idea of going out exploring places with a group of friends.

Not like he's calling me to stop completely, he is just telling me not to go too often. I reacted aggressively of course :(  If mum and papa can allow me to explore the world, why can he at least support me mentally??? I really didn't like the idea of him telling me all these. I know it by heart that I should control myself  at times. But the biggest problem with him is He himself doesn't want to listen to our advice. Smart, you are real smart. Manage yourself well first then I will listen to you better next time.

And there he goes again tonight. Saying the same thing to me again... When my mum was just casually saying that I'm getting very happening these days.. My mum knows that I'm upset and started saying things like '' Vacation is good, at least something to look forward after exams and all"
Thanks mummy :') Thanks for being understanding :')

Somehow I'm emotionally affected by his words.. I shouldn't be too bothered by his words.

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