Sunday, May 19, 2013

Birthday Updates!


Ambiga's last minute Surprise Birthday Celebration

The main point of surprising a person is not to let him or her notice at all!! I like seeing the reactions of the bday girl or guy that knew nothing. haha A sense of accomplishment.

So I casually spy when ambiga was free. To make this less obvious, I told her that I wanted to meet her to discuss about our Kuching trip. I thought we wont be able to celebrate for her cause our classes are different :( Then, she called me and told me her lecturer let them out earlier.

OMG OMG OMG. too sudden. We went to grab a cake and gather EVERYONE that's available immediately!

Yi Kay so funny that day. Ambiga reached and he was still in his condo.. We told him to be careful so Ambiga wont notice him. Ended up, he ran oneeeeee biggggggg round to meet us. Hahahahahaha

Picture of the day


Yen Ping's Bday!

I really wondered whether Yen Ping was aware that we were planning to celebrate for her. To me, it was freaking obvious. We were in the library with YP and Yew hor called me to come down for the preparation. At that moment, we were discussing about Macro and I just randomly told her I want to get something to eat in criteria. She actually believed?? O O Our Innocent and Blurry Cute YenPing 


Mine <3 

Thanks Crystal! really tasty

Us after Buffet Lunch At Tao

I didn't expect this from my classmates. Thank youu manyak manyak especially those that purposely run around to order, customise and pick up this cute jelly cake

you see the awkward-dnt-know-what-to-do face

My cute classmates!

Thanks Jian Nee. Purposely coming to my house to give me this.

And of course My family, Danny, Chien, Sus, Wan Xin, KJ, JK, YH, HW and those warm wishes from FB, whatsapp, wechat! Thank youuuuuuuu <3 

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