Saturday, May 18, 2013


This trip was long ago but this should be the first trip with a group of friends. Our initial plan was Redang and due to some problems, we changed to Genting. A place that youngsters must go while on a trip. Personally I been to Genting countless times, going with different people gives a different feeling each time.

Us being noisy as usual in the bus
Ps: We were noisy but then after awhile there was ' a moment of silence ' thanks to the awesome bus driver that drove so freaking fast and scary.

Prepared for outdoor theme park!

Waiting for our first ride

Thanks to An Qi, all of us laughed like crap during this ride. We were competing who can shout louder. As you can see, many of us sat this side. An Qi was at the another side but her screams were like HILARIOUS. hahahahahahahahaha. We were not the only ones that laughed. Too Funny!

bus bus 


another group picture

I don't get Jin Yi's pose lol

Our Shoes were naturally messed up. Don't have to purposely do it

We are as pretty as flowers

I forgotten whose idea this was


Drakie holding the cam as usual

Don't we look like angels ? 

Before we head back

Posing with bus

End with our group picture!

Not to forget, I remembered there were many stars at night. Love the weather there. Will head back there once awhile for some cold breeze.

Ps: The killer game we played at night was epic! I feel myself abit evil.


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