Saturday, May 18, 2013

Ceramah Before GE13!

I was thrilled by the fact that I finally attended a political related gathering! I have always wanted to be involved. Not to say I support any party in particular,
I want to make a change.
I want to contribute.
I want to get involved.
I want to tell my kids that I tried or at least did something.

What's on my mind when my mum asked me whether want to tag along? ' Screw exams!'

I kept telling my mother, '' I want to go but but but...aiyaa.. but... please come back by like 10pm!''

the crowd that night

People cheering!


Me, Mummy and sista

There was a need to snap non stop

Sis and I after the ceramah ended with a bunch of people

Spirited Crowd

I did not rush my mum to go back and stayed till the end. 

Did I regret? NO! #MalaysiaBoleh

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